Devon Talks About His Rematch Against Levan

Hello arm wrestling fans, in this post we are going to share you with an update regarding Devon Larratt, what he said in Travis Bagent’s podcast about his upcoming match against Levan Saginashvili at East Vs West 12. If you don’t know East Vs West is going to happen in April 2024, and this is … Read more

Levan’s Plan For Devon Match

Levan's Plan For Devon Match

Hello guys, Levan Vs Devon is going to be one of the biggest events in April 2024 at East vs West 12. Devon has also progressed a lot since the time they faced each other. This time Devon can give Levan a hard time in the match. Devon has been progressing so much every time … Read more

Can Denis Cyplenkov Beat levan Saginashvili

Can Denis Cyplenkov Beat levan Saginashvili

Hello guys, if you are an arm wrestling fan, then you must know Denis Cyplenkov and Levan Saginashvili, as they are one of the strongest arm wrestlers in the history of arm wrestling. As we know Denis has returned to arm wrestling after 5 years and since then he has competed in only 2 matches … Read more

Levan thoughts on his match Against Devon

Levan thoughts on his match Against Devon

Hello, arm Wrestling fans, hope you are doing well. In this article, we are going to share with you about Levan’s response to Devon Vs his match. During Engin’ podcast when he was asked about his match and the possibility of him winning the match. Engin asked him what if Devon stops you during the … Read more

Denis Cyplenkov Vs Levan Saginashvili Match

Denis Cyplenkov Vs Levan Saginashvili Match

Denis Vs Levan would be the greatest arm wrestling match of the arm wrestling as both are considered the strongest arm wrestlers. Denis Cyplenkov used to be the strongest arm wrestler of his time. Levan Saginashvili is the current strongest arm wrestler and number one arm wrestler at the current time. Levan has always shown … Read more

Is Devon Larratt Number one in the world

Is Devon Larratt Number one in the world

Hey arm wrestling fan, do you have a question in mind whether Devon Larratt is number one in the world? The answer is yes, as he has defeated every top guy in the world so far. His only loss is against Genadi and Levan. In the absence of Levan, it is possible to call him … Read more

Devon Larratt Vs Levan Saginashvili at East Vs West 12

Devon Larratt Vs Levan Saginashvili at East Vs West 12

Hey arm wrestling fans, it’s good news for you as Levan is fit now, as his wrist issue has gone. So he started his training, so Devon will have a rematch with Levan Saginashvili at East Vs West 12 which is going to happen in April. It will be interesting to watch them compete once … Read more