Is Denis Cyplenkov Weaker Than Devon’s Match?

Denis Cyplenkov

Denis Cyplenkov is considered one of the strongest arm wrestlers of all time. However, there is growing concern about his upcoming match against Ermes Gasparini at King of the Table which is going to take place on June 1st. This article will dig deep into this topic and try to break all misconceptions. A Decline … Read more

Why Denis Cyplenkov is Not Showing His Training?

Why Denis Cyplenkov is Not Showing His Training

Hello guys, in this article we are going to talk about why Denis Cyplenkov is not showing his training and sparing videos anymore. Many of you guys must have noticed. These days Arm Olymp YouTube channel has been uploading videos, where they show everybody training and sparring but we don’t see Denis doing anything. Why … Read more

Can Levan Beat Devon Without Endurance? His Secret Weapon Revealed

Can Levan Beat Devon Without Endurance? His Secret Weapon Revealed

When this bodybuilder asked Levan who his most difficult-to-beat opponent was throughout his career, Levan didn’t say Ermes Gasparini or Devon Larratt. Hello, arm wrestling fans, In today’s article, we’ll look at East versus West 12 updates. YouTube Channel Crackdown  Then YouTube laid the smackdown on a couple of channels. Finally, Levan Saginashvili’s comeback update, … Read more

Devon Larratt Or Levan Saginashvili: Who is More Stronger Now

Devon Larratt Or Levan Saginashvili: Who is More Stronger Now

If you are an arm wrestling fan, then you must know these two arm wrestlers. Devon Larratt is considered one of the best arm wrestlers in the history of arm wrestling and has been consistent over the years. Levan Saginashvili is considered one of the strongest arm wrestlers who has been so dominant on the … Read more

Denis Cyplenkov’s King of The Table Match

Denis Cyplenkov's King of The Table Match

Hello guys, how are you doing? We have a big update for you. Denis Cyplenkov has started his training for his next match at King of the Table, which is going to happen in June. Fans always want to see Denis Cyplenkov compete frequently. As we know, Denis has not been 100% of his prime. … Read more

Levan Thinks He Can Defeat Denis On Left Hand Match

Levan Thinks He Can Defeat Denis On Left Hand Match

Hello guys, how are you doing? As we know, Devon Vs Levan right-handed title super match will happen on April 20 at East Vs West 12. This news has grabbed all arm wrestling fans attention. On an Engin’s podcast when he was asked about competing on his left hand, then Levan replied for now he … Read more

Artyom Morozov is Getting Back To Shape

Hello arm wrestling fans, how are you doing? In this article, we will share with you updates related to Morozov. As we know Morozov has been out of arm wrestling for a few months because of health issues. As we know Morozov is going to compete in left hand super match title match against Alex … Read more

Denis Cyplenkov to Arm Wrestle in AMC Tournament

Denis Cyplenkov to Arm Wrestle in AMC Tournament

Hello arm-wrestling fans, how are you doing? In this article, we will share the latest arm wrestling update related to Denis Cypleknov. As you know AMC tournament 6 has happened, and we see Denis Cyplenkov there enjoying the tournament. Vitaly did quite well in the tournament and dominated the tournament in two categories, and earned … Read more

Can Denis Cyplenkov Beat levan Saginashvili

Can Denis Cyplenkov Beat levan Saginashvili

Hello guys, if you are an arm wrestling fan, then you must know Denis Cyplenkov and Levan Saginashvili, as they are one of the strongest arm wrestlers in the history of arm wrestling. As we know Denis has returned to arm wrestling after 5 years and since then he has competed in only 2 matches … Read more