AMC Armwrestling 6 – Tournament Event

AMC Armwrestling 6

AMC Armwrestling 6 is going to happen in Moscow, Russia on December 23, 2023. AMC is the greatest arm wrestling event that happens in Russia. Top arm wrestling athletes take place in the event. Athletes who are going to take part in the event are: To know more details regarding the match, Visit Golds Arm … Read more

Why Vitaly Laletin Lost to Ermes Gasparini at King of The Table 9

Why Vitaly Laletin Lost to Ermes Gasparini at King of The Table 9

King of The Table 9 was one of the best arm wrestling events in 2023. There were awesome matches that happened in the event. One of the biggest matches was Ermes Gasparini Vs Vitaly Laletin. Vitaly Laletin is the tallest arm wrestler in today’s arm wrestling world. He is one of the amazing top rollers … Read more

Prime Denis Cyplenkov Vs Current Denis Cyplenkov

prime denis cyplenkov

Denis Cyplenkov is one of the strongest arm wrestlers in arm wrestling history. Denis is not only the strongest but also the best person, as his nature makes him a better person. He never loses his cool even in the worst situation. Prime Denis Cyplenkov If you are an arm wrestling fan, then you must … Read more

Who Defeated Devon Larratt in 2023

Who Defeated Devon Larratt

Hey arm wrestling fans, how you doin’? In this article, we are going to talk about Devon Larratt. If you don’t know who defeated Devon Larratt in 2023, then keep reading this article to know about Devon Larratt Defeat. So let’s dive in. Devon Larratt Losses in 2023 Devon Larratt had only a single loss … Read more

Denis Cyplenkov Wiki Details: Age, Height, Weight and More

Denis Cyplenkov Age

Denis Cyplenkov was born on 10 March 1982. And as per this Denis is 41 years old. Denis is one of the strongest arm wrestlers in the history of arm wrestling. He was so dominant arm wrestler at his time. In his left hand, he was unbeatable till the time he arm-wrestled before his injury. … Read more

David Dadikyan Vs Todd Hutchings-East Vs West 11 Match

David Dadikyan Vs Todd Hutchings-East Vs West 11 Match

As we know David Dadikyan is one of the fastest arm wrestlers in arm wrestling history who has immense speed. His dominant hand is left, but he injured his hand in a match with Evgeny Prdunik. Now he can’t compete with his left hand. David Dadikyan Vs Todd Hutching Right Hand Match David Dadikyan is … Read more

Denis Cyplenkov Vs Levan Saginashvili Match

Denis Cyplenkov Vs Levan Saginashvili Match

Denis Vs Levan would be the greatest arm wrestling match of the arm wrestling as both are considered the strongest arm wrestlers. Denis Cyplenkov used to be the strongest arm wrestler of his time. Levan Saginashvili is the current strongest arm wrestler and number one arm wrestler at the current time. Levan has always shown … Read more

Jerry Cadorette Wants a Match With Devon Larratt and Denis Cyplenkov

Jerry Cadorette Wants a Match With Devon Larratt and Denis Cyplenkov

As we know Jerry Cadorette has a win against Genadi, so it quite makes sense. Devon talks about his match with Genadi, so Jerry thinks he is the better opponent for Devon as Jerry has already defeated Genadi. Jerry wants a match with Devon, but Devon has not accepted his offer for a right-handed match … Read more

Alex Kurdecha Talks About His Current Weight

Alex Kurdecha current weight

Alex Kurdecha is going to face Artyom Morozov on coming east vs west on the left-hand super match. Alex on Engin Podcast when asked about his current weight, he said when I measure my weight on the weighing scale it shows error. It clearly shows that Alex Kurdecha has gained a lot in all this … Read more