Denis Cyplenkov’s Return Match Delayed

As you know Denis Cyplenkov’s last match was against Devon Larratt at East Vs West 10. Denis lost that match to Devon Larratt and failed to get even a single pin against Devon. But it was not an easy match for Devon Larratt as he had to work hard to pin Denis. As Denis’s static strength is awesome.

Denis Cyplenkov's Return Match Delayed
Denis Cyplenkov’s Return Match Delayed

After Denis was asked about his future match, he replied that whatever the organizer offered me, I would accept that.

Now Engin has confirmed that he asked Denis for a match at East Vs West, Denis denied the offer as he has hip and shoulder issues, and he needs to fix that before competing for the next match.

Also Read: Hardest Match of Denis Cyplenkov’s Armwrestling Career

Will Denis Cyplenkov Comeback

Yes of course, as after the match with Devon, he clearly said that he lacks something and needs to work on that weakness and he said he lacks attacking power, and he should have done it like David Dadikyan does like quick start.

It clearly shows that Denis will come back soon, and once he has resolved all the issues, he will definitely come back to the arm wrestling table.

Also Read: Is Devon Larratt Number one in the world

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