Denis Has No Chance Against Ermes With This Shape

Denis Has No Chance Against Ermes With This Shape

Hello guys, in today’s post, we are gonna share with you the update regarding Denis Cyplenkov’s shape. Denis is going to face Ermes Gasparini at King of the Table on June 1. This is going to be the biggest match of the event. Denis’ fans always want him to compete more often. As Arm Olymp … Read more

Levan Gives His Prediction On Ermes Vs Denis Match

Levan Gives His Prediction On Ermes Vs Denis Match

Hello guys, as we know Levan beat Devon very badly once again in their rematch. The result was the same as before. Now Levan is officially the number one guy on the right arm. It also shows that no one is near his level for now. Many predicted Devon Vs Levan as 50-50, but the … Read more

Why Devon Lost to Levan So Badly?

Hello Arm Westling fans, as we know East Vs West 12 happened on 20 April, and there were so many great matches happened at the event. Devon Vs Levan was the biggest match of the event. Although fans thought it would be a war, the match went one-sided, as Levan completely destroyed Devon. Devon was … Read more

Devon Vs Levan: East Vs 12 Result

Hello guys, as we know that East Vs West 10 has happened last night, and the suspense is over now. there were so many big matches happened at the event. Main event of it was Devon Vs Levan, and surprisingly match didn’t go according to the fans. As fans were expecting Devon to give Levan … Read more

I Don’t Need Best Shape to Devon Says Levan

Hello arm Wrestling fans, as we know that East Vs West 12 is going to happen on April 20. This is going to be one of the most historical match in the history of arm wrestling fans. Devon looks confident to beat Levan. But we cannot understimate Levan any cost, he was unbeatable before the … Read more

Devon Larratt Vs Levan Saginashvili At East Vs West 12

Hello arm wrestling fans, as we know that we are few days away from East vs West 12. Devon Vs Levan is the biggest match of the event, as it is kind of revenge match for Devon. Devon lost to Levan two years ago and this is the chance for Devon to prove himself. Devon … Read more

Is Prime Denis The Best Arm Wrestler?

Is Prime Denis The Best Arm Wrestler?

Denis Cyplenkov is considered as one of the best arm wrestlers of all time. Denis is an arm wrestler who is known for immense strength and has so many records in weight lifting and bicep curls. Now many of might have questions Is Prime Denis the best arm wrestler, if you want to know keep … Read more

Is Engin Helping Devon to Win Against Levan?

Is Engin Helping Devon to Win Against Levan?

Hello arm wrestling fans, how are you doing? In this article we are going to share so many arm wrestling updates, we have a lot of things to discuss with you. In the latest live stream, Engin Terzi gave his opinion on who would win in a tournament and super match format out of John … Read more

5 Best Arm Wrestlers from Georgia

Best Arm Wrestlers from Georgia

Arm wrestling is a growing sport, and now it’s getting popular among the people. Thanks to arm wrestlers who are promoting the sports online. If you are a fan of arm wrestling, then you must know the fact that Georgia is known for great arm wrestlers. In this article, we are gonna talk about the … Read more