What Ermes Thinks About Levan Vs Devon Match?

Hello arm wrestling fans, how are you guys in this article we are going to share with you amazing updates regarding the Levan Vs Devon match that is going to happen in April 2024 at East Vs West 12, and what Ermes Gasparini thinks of this match.

What Ermes Thinks About Levan Vs Devon Match?
What Ermes Thinks About Levan Vs Devon Match?

Let’s get started!

Devon Vs Levan

The Devon Vs Levan rematch is the most anticipated match in the history of arm wrestling, as it is a kind of revenge match for Devon, as he lost to Levan very badly in 2022.

During the recent Engin Terzi podcast, Ermes shared his thoughts on the match, and he said Levan was too strong for Devon in 2022, so there was no way for Devon to beat Levan then.

And he further said, if everything goes right in 2024, Levan would be too strong for Devon too. So according to Ermes, Levan has more chance in this match.

As we know Ermes lost to Devon very badly during the title match, and when Engin asked him about who was stronger Devon or Levan, he clearly said Levan was way stronger, his hands felt so stronger.

But Engin said you lost to Devon very badly, so how can you say that Levan was stronger than Devon? So Ermes clarifies with Levan he takes a proper grip, so even with a proper grip, Levan was dominant.

But in the case of Devon, he was not able to grip up properly, so he couldn’t apply his full power that is why I think Levan was stronger than Devon in that sense.

Levan’ Injury

As we know Levan has recovered from his wrist injury and has started his training for East Vs West 12. He feels good now, although he is not rushing things up, so he is not lifting that heavy for now. But he said he will achieve his 100% shape.

It shows that Levan is very confident about the match and he is not giving any excuse regarding his health, so whatever the result of this match, it would not any excuse from any of them.

Also Read: Travis Bagent: Arm Wrestling Legend

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