What Did Devon Larrat Give Denis Cyplenkov After Losing Arm Wrestling

What Did Devon Larrat Give Denis Cyplenkov After Losing Arm Wrestling

Denis Cyplenkov and Devon Larratt are two big names in the world of arm wrestling. They both are the legends of the sport. In 2018, they fought left-handed and Denis won the supermatch with 6-0. It was a complete dominance shown by Denis Cyplenkov against Devon Larratt. Arm wrestling, a display of power and skill, … Read more

Reasons Behind Denis Cyplenkov Loss At East Vs West 10 Against Devon Larratt

Why Denis Lost to Devon

If you are an arm wrestling fan, then you must know arm wrestling legend Denis Cyplenkov. As we know Denis Cyplenkov was out of the game for almost 5 years. And he made his return to arm wrestling at King of the Table against GOAT John Breznk. And he was successful in winning the match … Read more