Can Denis Cyplenkov Beat Ermes Gasparini?

Can Denis Cyplenkov Beat Ermes Gasparini: Hello guys, how are you doing? In this blog post, we are going to talk about Denis Cyplenkov and Ermes Gasparini’s upcoming arm wrestling match that is going to happen at King of the Table in June.

Can Denis Cyplenkov Beat Ermes Gasparini
Can Denis Cyplenkov Beat Ermes Gasparini

Since the match was announced, all the fans have been waiting for them to compete. Although the last match was not good for Denis, but we cannot predict future matches on the basis of that match. Devon Larratt has defeated Ermes too, and even easier than Denis.

Can Denis Beat Ermes?

As we know Denis used to be the strongest arm wrestler during his prime, and has inspired so many young arm wrestlers to lift heavy like him. During his prime, he dominated athletes both right-handed and left-handed. But after the health problems, he lost so much muscles and has been suffering from several issues.

So if somehow he reaches his prime shape, then he can give problems to so many athletes now. So now let’s talk about Ermes Vs Denis, so yes he can beat Ermes, as Denis gave a good fight to Devon Larratt, and if he achieves good shape as compared to the previous shape, he surely can give a good fight to Ermes.

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