Prime Denis Cyplenkov Vs Current Denis Cyplenkov

Denis Cyplenkov is one of the strongest arm wrestlers in arm wrestling history. Denis is not only the strongest but also the best person, as his nature makes him a better person. He never loses his cool even in the worst situation.

Prime Denis Cyplenkov

If you are an arm wrestling fan, then you must know about Prime Denis Cyplenkov, it was the time when Denis used to be so huge and strong. Denis during his Prime was unbeatable on the left and so strong on the right. Although the left hand is not Denis’s dominant hand, he was unbeatable on the left. Denis is considered the best left-hand arm wrestler.

Can We See Prime Denis Cyplenkov Now

Denis has been facing so many health issues now and said many times he can’t go quickly to the shape that he used to have in his prime. Denis doesn’t train like the way he used to train in the past. Because Denis used to lift heavy weights back in those days, his training was so intense then.

Also Read: Is Prime Denis The Best Arm Wrestler?

Denis gives more time to table these days, as he has problems in his knee, left shoulder, and hip, and he has discussed so many times with Babken on the Arm Olymp channel regarding his health issues.

So getting his prime shape is possible if he gets rid of all the issues that he has now. But Hismlef said many times that he doesn’t want to hurry in any condition, he would consult doctors if they suggested him to train, then only he would train.

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