Levan Thinks He Can Defeat Denis On Left Hand Match

Hello guys, how are you doing? As we know, Devon Vs Levan right-handed title super match will happen on April 20 at East Vs West 12. This news has grabbed all arm wrestling fans attention.

Levan Thinks He Can Defeat Denis On Left Hand Match
Levan Thinks He Can Defeat Denis On Left Hand Match

On an Engin’s podcast when he was asked about competing on his left hand, then Levan replied for now he is not focusing on his left hand, but if he gives time to his left hand, then he would surely compete on his left hand.

He also said when he used to compete on his left hand during 2017 and 2018, he was unbeatable, and he used to feel so strong. So in the future, I will think of training my left hand for competition.

Even Levan said in 2017, he could also defeat Denis Cyplenkov on the left hand, as he was strong on the left then.

But Levan’s main focus for now is his match with Devon in April, as he has just healed from his wrist injury and it’s gonna be his first match after the injury. So he wants to focus on this match completely, as Devon has leveled up so much since the time he faced Devon in his last match.

Also Read: Devon Larratt Gets Left Hand Supermatch

Are you guys excited for the Devon Vs Levan match who is going to win this match? Give your suggestion on this match.

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Also Read: Why Devon Has the Best Chance to Beat Levan At East Vs West 12

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