Denis Cyplenkov Predicts East Vs West 11 Matches

Hello guys, how are you doing? In this blog post, we are going to share with you Denis Cyplenkov’s prediction regarding East Vs West 11 matches.

Here are his predictions regarding all the matches at East Vs West 11

Marcio Barboza Vs Oleg Petrenko

According to Denis Oleg Petrenko is gonna win the match.

Irakli Zirakashvili Vs Paul Linn

Irakli has more chances to win the match.

Matt Mask Vs Wagner Bortolato

He thinks Wagner Bortolato has more chances to win the match.

Artem Taynov Vs Zurab Tavberidze

Artem Taynov is more favorite in this match. As his left hand is so strong and he is showing good performance in the AMC tournament.

Daniel Procopciou Vs Mindaugas Tarasaitis

Denis thinks Daniel is going to win this match.

Ivan Matyushenko Vs Rino Masic

Ivan Matyushekno is the heavy favorite in this match.

Artyom Morozov Vs Alex Kurdecha

Initially, he was rooting for Morozov but when he knew that Alex is weighing around 170 Kg, then he changed his thought and said it is a 50-50 match.

Todd Hutchings Vs David Dadikyan

Denis thinks it is a 50-50 match.

Alizhan Muratov Vs Evgeny Prudnik

He predicts this match as a 50-50 match.

John Breznk Vs Krasimir Kostadinov

In hook, Krasimir will win and if John Breznk top roll him he is going to win.

So these are the predictions of Denis Cyplenkov regarding East Vs West 11 matches.

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