Levan Saginashvili’s Superior Bench Press: Outlifting Strongman Brian Shaw

Levan Saginashvili Vs Brian Shaw

The bench press is a key exercise for building upper body strength. It measures how much weight you can push with your upper body. But the way you do it depends on whether you follow the strongman or powerlifter style. Different Styles: Strict vs. Flexible Powerlifters focus on doing the bench press with perfect form. … Read more

I Don’t Need Best Shape to Devon Says Levan

Hello arm Wrestling fans, as we know that East Vs West 12 is going to happen on April 20. This is going to be one of the most historical match in the history of arm wrestling fans. Devon looks confident to beat Levan. But we cannot understimate Levan any cost, he was unbeatable before the … Read more