Why Denis Cyplenkov is Not Showing His Training?

Why Denis Cyplenkov is Not Showing His Training

Hello guys, in this article we are going to talk about why Denis Cyplenkov is not showing his training and sparing videos anymore. Many of you guys must have noticed. These days Arm Olymp YouTube channel has been uploading videos, where they show everybody training and sparring but we don’t see Denis doing anything. Why … Read more

Denis Cyplenkov to Arm Wrestle in AMC Tournament

Denis Cyplenkov to Arm Wrestle in AMC Tournament

Hello arm-wrestling fans, how are you doing? In this article, we will share the latest arm wrestling update related to Denis Cypleknov. As you know AMC tournament 6 has happened, and we see Denis Cyplenkov there enjoying the tournament. Vitaly did quite well in the tournament and dominated the tournament in two categories, and earned … Read more