Denis Cyplenkov Tried Pronation Lift

Denis Cyplenkov’s loss at East Vs West 10 impacted so many fans, and Denis himself, now he is looking more focused, and trying to work on his weak spots.

We saw Denis Cyplenkov trying max pronation lift in a recent video uploaded by the True Power YouTube channel. The lift wasn’t exactly the same as Devon L’s pronation lift, but it was pretty close.

I thought Denis’s weight was very amazing, especially since he probably hasn’t been working on this lift until now. How much does Denis’s pronation lift look like Devon’s? Is it more difficult than Devon’s? Do you know how much Denis can lift?

Is he bigger than Devon when it comes to pronation? We will talk about all of these questions in this article.

To begin, let us look at Denis’s lift. Denis is doing a standing version of a pronation lift. The most important part of this lift is that Denis’s wrist is straight out in front of him. Denis’s wrist angle looks like it’s almost perfect.

The reason this angle is so important is that it dictates how much of the weight is even attacking the muscles the lift is meant to attack. It’s much easier on both your elbow flexor and pronator if you lift the weight with an angle of your wrist that is either much steeper or much shallower than parallel to the ground.

So, it ends up being kind of pointless as you are using way more weight than required and therefore risking injury just to get a worse stimulus. But Denis’s lift is looking pretty good as far as the shoulder angle goes, and this is pretty similar to Devon’s.

Devon has his forearm angle just about parallel, and if anything, his forearm angle is slightly steeper than parallel, which is pretty interesting. But still, the forearm angles of both of these guys are pretty close. They’re doing a good job of letting the vast majority of the weight attack the targeted muscles properly.

Another important part of this lift is elbow support. Notice how in Devon’s lift, his arm is on his leg. His leg is fulfilling the job of the elbow pad in an arm wrestling match or a preacher bench while doing a curl. So, the weight is pretty much hitting Devon’s elbow flexion and his pronation only.

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But in Denis’s lift, his arm is not supported. This means that his front delt has to work really hard to keep his elbow from swinging straight back as he tries to lift the weight. There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with this, but now there’s a failure point in the lift that has nothing to do with what you’re targeting in your muscling.

Your arm is supported, so you don’t need to have very strong front delts to stabilize your top roll chain. Now, Denis is letting his elbow slightly push into his side, so this lift is just a bit elbow-supported, but not as much as Devon’s. So again, not like this makes it way easier; I just think Devon’s lift is more accurate in this case and also quite a bit safer for your bicep tendon that joins your shoulder.

How Much Weight Weight Did Denis Lift?

It looks like he ends up putting in 3 15-kilo plates, 2 10-kilo plates, and one 5-kilo plate. And if we guess that the loading pin in the strap is like 2 kilos or something, we’re right around 72 kilos or 158 lbs. That’s pretty much the same numbers that Devon is hitting on this lift, although Denis’s form really does begin to suffer when he lifts the heavier weight. He’s nearly king-moving the weight at this point, but still amazing.

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Finally, it’s also important to note that Devon’s lift includes external shoulder rotation. Denis’s lift doesn’t really do this, and it’s pretty much all elbow-bending. This is again made believable by Devon supporting his elbow on his leg.

Whose Lift is More Difficult

From personally trying similar moves to both of these as well as studying the biomechanics of both, I have to say that Devon’s is probably harder. Devon’s lift is also much more consistent, so it will be more ideal from the viewpoint of actually knowing exactly how strong you are and how fast you are progressing.

And of course, since Devon’s arm is longer than Denis’s, he does have a mechanical disadvantage in any elbow flexor-driven lift, which makes Devon’s lift more amazing once again. So, I think Devon’s pronunciation is better overall and more effective on the table.

But I loved getting to see Denis try this move. One thing about these really heavy isometrics is that you tend to make really fast gains when you very first start trying them.

They are very successful at actualizing the strength you’ve already built in a more arm wrestling-specific lane.

As most of you know, Denis is pulling her Gasparini up in the next few months, so we will see how much of a difference this Devon lift’s style of training makes for Denis. Although, at this point, I would love to see Denis just go ahead and exactly copy Devon’s lift, as I think it would be more helpful for his style.

Denis Vs Ermes

Although they have not signed the contract yet, But Denis said the chances of happening this match is 90%, and the match would likely to happen in June. Denis considers Ermes a worthy opponent, and also he said the organizer offered him this match. So he didn’t refuse the match.

Denis said that once the contract gets signed, then he will start training for this match. This time Denis would likely to work on offense, as he saw that only defense is not gonna work to win the arm fight, so he needs to work on his attacking side, and need to control center on the table.

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