Shocking Truth Revealed: Why Larry Wheels QUIT Arm Wrestling – Is Brian Shaw Next??

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Has Larry Wheels quit arm wrestling for good? Are we about to see the same from Brian Shaw? Hello, arm wrestling fans. In today’s article, we will discuss Levan Saginashvili’s Japan tour, Larry Wheels’ announcement that he won’t be pursuing competitive sports at the highest level anymore, including arm wrestling, Brian Shaw and Deon L … Read more

Can Brian Shaw Dominate Arm Wrestling? Devon Larratt Thinks So

Can Brian Shaw Dominate Arm Wrestling

Since Devon Larratt and Brain Shaw have been seen training together, it has created a lot of buzz in the arm wrestling community, as everyone is expecting Brian Shaw to compete in arm wrestling soon. Devon Larratt, known for his iron grip and technical approach in arm wrestling, has dominated the scene for years. His … Read more

10 Reasons Bodybuilders Dominate Arm Wrestling Competitions

Reasons Bodybuilders Dominate Arm Wrestling Competitions

Hey there! If you’re anything like me, a die-hard arm wrestling fan, you’ve probably noticed a fascinating new trend. Bodybuilders are dominating arm wrestling competitions more than ever before. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Aren’t arm wrestlers supposed to be the undisputed kings of the table?” Well, let me tell you why these muscle … Read more

What Muscles Are Used In Arm Wrestling?

What are the muslces used in arm wrestling

Arm wrestling is a sport where two people compete against each other’s strength and endurance. It combines raw strength, skill, and muscle coordination. Arm wrestling may look like a simple test of arm strength, but it actually uses many muscles in the upper body. Knowing these muscles can help you train better and improve your … Read more

Arm Wrestling Champions: History’s Most Successful Arm Wrestler

Arm Wrestling Champions

Now is the time for us to delve deeper into the fascinating world of arm wrestling champions! I have witnessed it all during my years-long involvement in arm wrestling; from back alley showdowns and flashy tournaments under bright lights.  However, not all champions are created equal: only those truly mastering tendon strength rise to become … Read more

King Of The Table 10 Results: Auden Larratt Vs Whisperer, And More

King Of The Table 10 Results

King Of The Table 10 Results: Hello arm wrestling fans, as we know King of the Table 10 happened on 24 February 2024, and there were some exciting matches that happened at the event. Let us know. The arm wrestling world witnessed another chapter unfold on February 24th, 2024, at the “King of the Table … Read more